Wedding Ceremony at The Ambassador East Hotel, Chicago 
Wednesday, March 23, 2011, 11:19 PM
Posted by Johnny

There is nothing like that traditional moment exiting the ceremony. In movies, often times, a director will show merely a glimpse of a wedding, always including the exit of the ceremony. What more iconic image from a wedding is there? And is it because the directors of film have made it iconic? Or is it because that moment truly carries the most powerful trigger to words untold? Read More...
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Children's Portraits 
Saturday, March 19, 2011, 06:12 PM
Posted by Johnny

As the sun beats through my window in my office, warming me and giving me the sense that I may need a nap, I begin to peruse our archive of images. Nothing seems more tranquil and peaceful to me than finding myself engulfed in our children’s portraits. I could sit and admire the beauty of these children and their parents endlessly. Thank you, all of you who have allowed us into your lives so intimately. I hope we serve you well and enable you to share the amazing beauty that all of life holds in every moment. Read More...
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St. Patrick's Day in Chicago 
Wednesday, March 16, 2011, 07:36 PM
Posted by Tina

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