Beautiful Women 
Thursday, July 29, 2010, 05:40 PM
Posted by Tina

Last week I was in Tampa visiting the Tampa Museum of Art with my mother. The museum just re-opened this year, after relocating, and is an absolutely beautiful space. A must see if your in the area. Gary Winogrand had a body of work hanging, which included 85 photographs, entitled Women are Beautiful. I was first turned on to Gary Winogrand’s street style of work in college. In regards to the work, he commented, "I don't know if all the women in the photographs are beautiful, but I do know that the women are beautiful in the photographs." Read More...
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One Way Or Another or On A Clear Day You Can See Chicago 
Monday, July 19, 2010, 01:43 PM
Posted by Johnny

Yes, it is true, on a clear day, you can see the Chicago skyline from the shores of Southwest Michigan. Of course a telephoto lens is required to really see the city well. Here in this image, we used an ultra wide angle lens to capture the bride and groom, at just the right time. Read More...
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Classic Black & White Photography 
Thursday, July 8, 2010, 07:41 PM
Posted by Tina

One of the greatest challanges we face as photographers when trying to capture the truest image possible, is dynamic range. What is dynamic range? You may ask. Simply put, dynamic range is the range of color, or density, that our camera can capture in one burst. Read More...
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